Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mad as hell, and probably gonna take some more of it!

to be entirely honest i had something totally different planned for this blog today. but it has come to my attention that today is not just a Wednesday. today is TEA PARTY DAY!!!

thats right everybody, its time to get together and get pissed, REALLY PISSED! why? is it that we are still stuck in a war that we shouldn't have been in, in the first place, on top of which we have countless numbers off military bases around the world where we are not wanted? NO! ok, is it because we still support israel 100% despite the fact that they are attempting to destroy all of Gaza and wipe out the Palestinian people? NO! shit...ok, well how about the fact despite the efforts to shut down Guantanemo, prisoners are still being tortured there? NOPE! um...the fact that there is mercury used in High Fructose Corn Syrup which is in practically everything our culture eats, and the FDA doesn't seem to care? NO WAY!

ok i give up, what are we pissed about?


ok, sure, taxes suck. i'm with you! taxes should be abolished, because honestly the only way the State thrives is to feed off of taxes. DOWN WITH THE STATE! DOWN WITH TAXES!!! DOWN WITH....what?

oh, you don't want the state to go away? but without the state there is no taxes, so shouldn't that mean... wait, you just want lower taxes? well that won't really change much but i guess i'm on board. after all over 50% of all federal taxes go to the military death machine, so...

wait, its not the military budget that you have a problem with? no i don't really know what a "welfare queen" is, but yes, i suppose they do sound like terrorists.

Socialism? well i wouldn't go as far as the call this socialism, since the literal definition of socialism has nothing to do with this...

ok, you all get it. my joke is over. Today is Tea Party Day. It is a chance for people with way too much money in the first place to get out there and complain about the government taking their money. Because after all dissent is patriotic, unless its against the war...or the president...specifically the republican president.

The "party" has been promoted by such typically boring rightists as Michelle Malkin. Malkin as you may recall pushed for a boycott of Dunkin Donuts, after DD's spokesperson Rachel Ray wore what is known as a keffiyah in a Dunkin Donuts commercial. Sometimes keffiyahs are worn in solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Other times, they are just a fucking scarf. Had Malkin done any research should would have found out that other than apparently being a flag for terrorism that should be the reason to boycott a donut stand, keffiyahs are also issued to US soldiers in the middle east, as they are commonly considered one of the best types of coverings for some of the bizarre types of weather over there.

so that gives you an idea of who is leading the Tea Party movement.

I'm all for tea parties. Me and Freddy my stuffed dog/imaginary best friend have awesome tea parties all the time. but they involve listening to Andrew W.K. and high-fiving Freddy. Freddy is awesome.

By all means, go out today and protest. get pissed. I'm pissed! i made zilch this year, and still owe the stupid-ass State money. it sucks. but so does war. so does destroying the earth, so does torture, so does hate, so does patriarchy, so does capitalism.

are you pissed about those things too?

Because it comes down to this: if the only "injustice" that brings you out the streets to protest; if the only thing that makes you wanna throw a brick through a window; if the only thing that makes want to stand up and say "i'm mad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore!" is that taxes are too high... you're probably an American.

Monday, April 6, 2009


remember the good old days?

no? good, that's because they never existed. the sooner we admit that our country wasn't birthed out of some beautiful collection of past philosophies, and benevolent trials and errors to form our most great union, the sooner we can fix this pile of poo.

our country's guidelines (the declaration of independence, the constitution, the bill of rights, the idiot's guide to patriarchy) were all written by rich white men. now this may not seem like a big deal, because everything our society has been based on in the past couple hundred years has been run by rich white men.

but here is something you might not know: while everything was run by rich white men, rich white men were in fact NOT the only people to live on the earth! i know i know, pretty shocking. i personally all assumed that the entire earth was made of white men, until God decided one day to make women out of some ribs.

i mention this only because i personally find hard to believe that these men who "founded" our country had the interests of anyone other than themselves when they whipped out the quill and starting writing some scrolls.

these men who owned slaves and found no need for women to be a part of life other then cooking food and looking pretty (two things i'm awesome at). these men who slaughtered a nation of people because of "manifest destiny". if you are new to the term "manifest destiny", it comes from the original Latin phrase "manifesto destino" which translates to "genocidal self-entitlement".

because when we say "founded this country", what we really mean "tricked, diseased, and murdered the former inhabitants of this country." this is the history we all know, and yet nobody seems to be too bothered by it. i mean i don't know anyone who thinks that its good that a nation of native americans were slaughtered, but very few people seem to think about it too much. for instance, when was the last time you thought about it? a while ago? thats because you are a shit head. but don't worry, so am i.

think about this: we showed up and wanted the land. we killed the people on the land and took it. ok, so why can't we do that now? i'm not advocating murder, but frankly rent has been way too much for me, and i don't see why if murder and theft of land is good enough for our forefathers, its not good enough for me. why can't i cap my landlord and take his shit? oh right, jail. well i guess if the forefathers went to jail, then so should i. what? they didn't? they got to be presidents and statesmen? they died rich and in big houses? interesting.

now you maybe saying "reuben, it was all so long ago! i know it was awful, but why can't we just let it go now. its been over a hundred years!"
to this i will reply by paraphrasing the legendary Bill Hicks, and just say that i will stop talking about this, when other people stop talking about Jesus. Because honestly if we are talking about shelf-life on issues... well i think you get the point.

look, i am not saying that Thomas Jefferson didn't love his kids. Or that George Washington didn't care about nature. or that Adams wasn't the best kisser in the commonwealth. I am sure they all had good intentions. But good intentions only get you so far. and cruel intentions is a crappy movie with Reese Witherspoon.Not that we can claim to be better. After all our modern leaders have taken the murderous leanings of our former founders and turned destruction into an art.

Within the first 5 days of his presidency, Barak Obama had missiles shot into Pakistan killing 18 people. And he's the peace candidate.

i think the part of the problem is best summed up by former President George Bush , when he was still vice-president to our Lord and Savior Ronald Reagan. When the U.S. Navy shot down an Iranian passenger plane killing 290 civilians, he was asked if he would apologize for the action. to this he replied "I will never apologize for the United States — I don't care what the facts are... I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy."

ok, that was the president. of the united states. that wasn't some guy you got into an argument with in Poli Sci 101. that was the president of the united states. he's "not an apologize for American-kind-of guy". nope not him. he's more of a invade-Panama-and-Iraq-then-leave-both-countries-worse-then-when-he-found-it kind of guy.

he doesn't care what the facts are? really? because in high school i didn't care what the facts were. now all day i ask people what size latte they want. he got to be president.

so i know what you are thinking, "reuben you must lead us to a better tomorrow! become our president, our king, our emperor!" but i am sorry to say, i'm not gonna take the job. it doesn't pay very well, and you have to be a complete asshole to do it. but don't cry, for there is hope. now that you have gotten over the disappoint of me not becoming president you may wonder, "but if the constitution and all that other crap is illegitimate, what document should we base our society on?!?!"

anything. like seriously anything. Clifford the big red dog. everyone poops. goodnight moon. i mean why not, right? for instance, try this out; in Clifford the Big Red Dog, do they ever call slaves 3/5 of human beings? no? Alright! we're already doing better than the constitution!

i honestly think you could build a stable, non-hierarchical society with kids books. try a book like "everyone poops." think about that statement itself "everybody poops". we all poop. everyone of us. from sea to shining sea, everybody poops. you can ask someone "do you poop?" and they would say "why yes i do!" i'm getting chills right now!

Because even Clifford the big red dog (or maybe Tintin) would agree that we need to smash the state, but until then, maybe we can at the very least open up the dialogue about why we use arcane, racist and sexist documents to form our society, that were written by men who most likely didn't have the interests of the majority in mind when they wrote it. Maybe if they had read "everbody poops" they would realize we are all equal and all have the right to party.

except people from Rhode Island. fuck Rhode Island.